Collaborative Competition: Strategies for Career Success

Facilitated by Kathryn Mayer
Please join us virtually for a professional development session with Kathryn Mayer.


The competitive landscape of our industry suggests that professional women need a strategic mindset to succeed. How do we compete fearlessly and perform optimally while maintaining our authentic selves? This interactive course teaches you how to pursue your goals with grace and positive energy. We will also explore forming peer or mentor relationships with those who will challenge you and support your success.



You will master Collaborative Competition by:
• Understanding your views on competition and risk-taking
• Learning a positive and strategic view—Collaborative Competition—as an alternative to perfectionism
• Reviewing key findings from successful women in highly competitive fields (from Kathryn’s first book, Collaborative Competition: A Woman’s Guide to Succeeding by Competing)
• Learning how to collaborate with pacing partners who push you and support you

6/22/2023 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Eastern Daylight Time
Online registration not available.